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Advantages of Drainage

There is no doubt that a drainage system will improve your crop yield. The implementation of a corrugated polyethylene pipe drainage system gives you more control over the moisture content of the soil than was ever thought possible. With Global Positioning Systems (GPS) not only can you check the overall condition of the soil, you can see how yielding patterns improve when moisture content is altered with a drainage system. Installing a drainage system has a number of impressive benefits. Control over the moisture content of the soil:

  • Reduces the effect of droughts and excessive water from heavy rains or snow.
  • Increases the temperature of the soil which loses its heat to excessive surface water.
  • Improves aeration and the nitrogen content of the soil which results in earlier germination and better root development.
  • Eliminates planting delays resulting in a longer growing season
  • Removes toxic material and disease organisms
  • Reduces soil erosion by creating better root systems

Greater Profitability

If you're looking for better productivity and a faster return on your investment, installing a tile drainage system comes out ahead of new machinery, land acquisition and new buildings. And it does it, convincingly. The profitability begins right from your first crop after installing drains.

Greater Productivity

According to Ontario's Crop Insurance Program, tile-drained farms increase yields from 22% to 42% compared to untiled land.

Improved Conditions for Earlier Planting and Extended Harvest Season

Abruce Tile drainage system will ensure you can be on the field for planting at the earliest possible date. Those wet fall days should not stop you from getting your crops off the fields.

Better Soil Moisture Conditions

With better soil moisture conditions, you can plant your whole field earlier and extend your harvest season. Why? Tile drainage reduces excess moisture where plants take root, encouraging deeper rooting.

Reduced Compaction

Improved soil conditions reduce compacting from fieldwork or harvest operations. A better air/moisture balance in the soil also contributes to better root growth and micro-organic health.

Drought Resistance

And with a properly drained field, your crops are more resistant to drought, because deeper roots are able to find and utilize moisture more efficiently.

Better Use of Inputs

Fertilizer is used more effectively on drained soils. A seedbed that has consistent and ideal moisture speeds germination and emergence. Herbicides applied to the soil adhere better to soil particles.

Energy Saver

Well-drained fields will also take less of your time and energy. You won't have to return to wet areas after they've dried out because you'll have uniform moisture across all of your tiled land.

Increased Land Value

One additional and compelling benefit of a tile drainage system? It's an assured way of increasing the value of your land whether you work the farm yourself or decide to sell.

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