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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages for E-Centives of using US GAAP?
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What are the advantages of audit report?

-it shows that the financial transaction of the company is true and fair and comply with (GAAP) it attracts investors

Does GAAP require a physical inventory Why?

GAAP stands for generally accepted accounting principles, and a physical inventory is needed when using GAAP. One reason it is necessary is, if you don't account for your shrinkage by doing a physical count, your total ending inventory costs will be inflated.

Where GAAP is implementing in Pakistan?


Does a nonprofit have to follow GAAP?

Yes. IN the US non profits are expected to follow GAAP accounting rules. In Europe and expanding to most other parts of the developed world, companies are using IFRS.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of gaap?

"There are managers who actively use GAAP to deceive and defraud. They know that many investors and creditors accept GAAP results as gospel. So these charlatans interpret the rules "imaginatively" and record business transactions in ways that technically comply with GAAP but actually display an economic illusion to the world. As long as investors - including supposedly sophisticated institutions - place fancy valuations on reported "earnings" that march steadily upward, you can be sure that some managers and promoters will exploit GAAP to produce such numbers, no matter what the truth may be. Over the years, Charlie Munger and I have observed many accounting-based frauds of staggering size. Few of the perpetrators have been punished; many have not even been ensured. It has been far safer to steal large sums with a pen than small sums with a gun." - Warren Buffett

What do you mean by gaap?

GAAP is an acronym for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

How does GAAP affect financial reporting?

How does GAAP affect financial reporting?

What is Pakistani GAAP?

ugly people need gaap to look nicer

Short note of accounting standards and GAAP?

short note on GAAP

Why accounting theory in accounting convention usefull?

for guidance the accountants in a significant practises with using what should be utility as GAAP.

When was GAAP established?

In 1992, the Auditing Standards Board established the GAAP hierarchy.

What is the purpose of GAAP?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, are the standards used by accountants. GAAP ensures that all companies report financial information in a consistent manner.