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This question is too vague to answer properly. If you are using server side processing to execute scripts on the server or access database information, it is essential. If you are using it strictly for the include feature, it depends on the size of your website.

SSI saves you time when updating common elements on each page of your website, but the creation and maintenance of the included files can be difficult and time consuming. Since the included files are usually incomplete code snippets, many editors and browsers will not handle them properly. This can restrict you to using something like notepad to maintain your site. If you want to view your results you will either have to upload them to a server first or run server software on your local PC.

If your site is only a few pages, the extra hassle is not worth it, if it is huge, it is worth it. The crossover point is up to you.

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14y ago

Aside from the access of databases, server-side scripting languages (preferably PHP) you can make a webpage extremely dynamic. PHP and ASP have include functions that allow you to accomplish the same idea as old-school HTML frames in a more consistent, standard, sustainable way.

You can add username/password features, as well.

Secure forms.

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10y ago

The main advantages are user interactions can be managed on the client and reduces load on server.

In a large web-based application, where you provide both a web browser user interface and low-level communication interfaces, then both strategies would be used.

It's good to have client-side processing, because that means that the user gets fast feedback, and doesn't have to wait for a server round-trip.

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15y ago

# The user doesn't need to install anything (read: not even PHP), beside her browser. # Security

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What is meant by client-side processing?

Processing that is done on the client computer instead of the server computer. Most online multi-player games use client side processing to reduce server load and performance.

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PHP is a dynamic language meant to do server-side processing where plain HTML/client-side JavaScript isn't enough.

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Yes, JavaScript was (and is) used server-side. In 1994, Netscape released their Netscape Enterprise Server, which allowed for the use of JavaScript as a server-side language. It was never really hugely popular. But Apache still makes available their "mod_js" for this express purpose. (Even if it's not intended as production use, rather described as "just a toy.")

What is mean by server side processing?

In some traditional computing environments the presence of client-server architecture is noted. This is especially true in the internet age, but is perhaps best demonstrated in a legacy one - namely mainframe environments. Back in the days of mainframe popularity, there was one main computer (the mainframe SERVER) and many many terminal connections (think screen and keyboard only CLIENTS) into that mainframe. The way that the user would connect to utilize system resources was through interface devices such as keyboard and monitor. There were no desktop computer processing components on the user's side (CLIENT SIDE), all the processing was done by the mainframe (SERVER SIDE). In more common modernly utilized systems, such as typical internet browsing, there are the presence of computational resources at both ends of the connection. There is a server sitting out there somewhere that has files on it that you want to look at. Perhaps it is a web-page that you enjoy about plants, or music, or history. Perhaps there is a database (a searchable organized collection of data) also residing somewhere on this server somewhere out there. The web SERVER has the ability to use the code that is contained in the webpage to process incoming requests (from the CLIENT - from you or other users who want to browse the pages it offers) and perhaps pull some information out of this database on plants, or music, or history. All this processing takes place on this remote machine that is out there somewhere. Your local machine that is doing the requesting (the CLIENT) does nothing but wait for the request to be prepared and served up to you in your browser. When the SERVER is done requesting resources and information from the database (querying) the page is rendered and sent to you (the CLIENT). Your client-side browser takes the information and presents it to you. Some rendering may be done locally on the client-side, but the processing for the page all took place server-side.

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