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Q: What are the 3 major classifications of excel components?
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What are the 3 major of components?

The 3 major components of fitness are strength,endurance, and flexibility.

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There are 3 -4 major components of Power Point. The components include the menu bar as the options bar.

3 major components of cytoplasm are?

The cytosol, organelles and inclusions.

3 major components of the cytoplasm?

The three major components of the cytoplasm are the cytosol, organelles, and cytoplasmic inclusions. The cytosol is the semi-fluid portion where organelles are suspended, while organelles are specialized structures that perform specific functions within the cell. Cytoplasmic inclusions are particles suspended in the cytosol, such as lipid droplets or glycogen granules.

What are the 3 major components of a system?

hardware, software,users..more on the components include: procedures and data

3 What are the two major components of squid blood?

The two major components of squid blood are hemocyanin, a copper-containing respiratory pigment that transports oxygen, and hemolymph, a fluid that acts as both blood and lymph in invertebrates. Hemocyanin gives squid blood a blue color when oxygenated.

What are 3 major components of a hard disk drive system?

host adapter

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The 3 major componests of an atom are called subatomic particles, which are electron, proton and neutron.

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they are file system, regestry, virtual memory

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