Urinary Bladder Prostate Urethra Testis Penis Foreskin Scrotal Sac
at th zoo if they accept rats
what is th threee parts of a monomer
1- Undescended testis 2- Ectopic testis 3- Atrophic testis 4- Retractile testis 5- Surgically removed testis
no one knows, rats had carried diseases for years. ex. the trip to Roanoke the rats carried the black death disease
The function squid testis is to produce sperm during reproduction.
Rats and mice 17 days.
Kanagroo Rats eat seeds and sometimes eat the vegetative parts of plants.
the other call for testis is testicle
They are produced in testis. There are tubules in testis
The testis produce the male androgen testosterone.