The standard extension for Excel workbooks is xls for versions up to 2003. Excel 2007 uses xlsx as its extension for workbooks.
The Clipboard.
I did. Once.
Excel has a wide range of uses for anything to do with numbers. Finances are based on numbers. Along with standard calculations Excel has lots of specialised financial functions built into it. These enable people to do things like calculate payments for loans, returns on investments, depreciation and many other financial things. Excel can also be used to plan things that companies or individuals will do with their finances. So it has many uses in relation to financing.
It will depend on the specific type of file and version of Excel. The standard spreadsheet uses xls for versions up to 2003 and xlsx from version 2007. You can also have other types of files, like Excel template files, which would be xlt, or xlm for Excel macro files. There are several other types too.
Excel 2013 uses a .xlsx extension.
MS Excel uses two types of data: text and numbers.
You will learn how to make models, shortcuts and other various excel functions that are not obvious. They are great for someone who uses excel all the time.
This is likely the word "functions" (uses, or mathematical equations).
chemical equations
ve can find out quadratic equations