The different web application has its own features and benefits however most common feature of all web applications is that it can be accessed through all over the world with internet. YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo are some examples of the web application.
There many different types of web applications, some are better then others. The best thing to do is try a few yourself and see which ones you like
Some good examples of free web design programs are Komodo and Aptana. As with all free software there are limitations in features and support. Some advanced features may require a small fee to be paid in order to unlock them.
Web application are those applications that are web based. Example of web apps are facebook, gmail etc.
Web application are those applications that are web based. Example of web apps are facebook, gmail etc.
Web tool is specific software which helps to develop some web elements. It works for website or web applications. The web tool makes it possible to build website design and include many new features in web pages.
APACHE TOMCAT is a WEBSERVER that uses TOMCAT features for serving Java code - Servlets on web to clients.TOMCAT provides clustering, load balancing and enables applications to be deployed over Web.
Web 2.0 refers to added features and applications that make the web more interactive, support easy online information exchange and interoperability. Some noticeable features of Web 2.0 are blogs, wikis, video-sharing websites, social networking websites, RSS etc.
In general, web applications will not have the same available features as application software. However, as web technology and cloud-based computing becomes more popular, the differences may not be drastic.
Some end user applications are "Network Aware" , meaning they implement the application layer protocols and are able to communicate directly with the lower layers of the protocol stack. email clients and Web Browsers are examples of these applications.
Some end user applications are "Network Aware" , meaning they implement the application layer protocols and are able to communicate directly with the lower layers of the protocol stack. Email clients and web browsers are examples of these applications.
Google Calendar and Google Documents are examples of web-based applications (meaning they run completely inside your browser)