

What are input parts?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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15y ago

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storage space, control space, and build space storage space, control space, and build space

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Q: What are input parts?
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What parts of the human functions as a computer's input and output devices?

the eyes can be used as the input device and the mouth as the output device

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Golf Cart Input Shafts are like parts of the golf cart that's need to be overhauled.

Is Intel an input device?

No, it is not a computer part, it is the manufacturer of computer parts.

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they are process,input and output lol

Is work output and input?

work of input is the inner parets of any things like : computer work of out put is the outer parts of anythings like : machine

What parts of a human function as a computer's input storage memory processing and output?

the brain

How are input and feedback parts of a system are related?

They are either in closed or in open loop system

How are the input and output force of the parts of a compound machine related?

In a compound machine, the input force is applied to the first machine and then becomes the output force for the next machine in the sequence. The output force of the first machine becomes the input force for the next machine, and so on. Therefore, the input and output forces of the parts of a compound machine are related as they are transferred from one machine to the next within the system.

How do you make an input output table?

You draw a rectangle and then you divide it into to 2 equal parts (split it down the middle). After you do that you label the input side x and the output side y. And now you got an input output chart.