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Q: What are graphic representations for a program type of file or function?
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How do you extract function name from a c program using PERL?

What function do you mean? Any function defined in a source file? Or any function used in a source file? Be more specific.

What is graphic application?

Another type of program that can use events but isn't graphical is some kind of watching program. For example, a program that watches for hardware changes or file changes then does something with that.

How do you change a word doc into jpeg?

You can select the whole graphic and copy-paste to another graphic program like mspaint or you can make a screen capture - see the related questions.

Why you have begin with main function?

You don't have, it's only the program-execution which begins with the main function, but it doesn't have to be the first function in the source-file.

How can you use ls grep file name in c program?

With function system or popen.

Is bat a graphic file?


What is the difference between program and programing?

the program contains the which are coding like as our header file ,void main,library function etc.

What represents a file that's name ends with gif?

Such a file is a graphic file, a so called Graphic Interchange Format file. For more details see the related link.

What is the function of the Autoruninf file included on the Windows 9xMe installation CD?

To run the the program LPC

Need of graphic file format?

Most common graphic file extensions are: .jpg .jpeg .png .gif (for animated images)

Is MP3 a graphic file format?

No, MP3 is not a graphic file format. MP3 file formats are made up of audio and images. Most likely videos and slideshows with added sounds.

What is threat monitoring?

Threat monitoring is a function of an Anti-Virus program in which the program locates a program or file on the computer and monitors it for any odd or malicious behavior. It will continue to monitor the "threat" until it has probable cause to quarantine the file and remove or fix the problem.