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Q: What are essential elements to include when naming work and saving it to the course folder Click or tap all that apply.?
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Can you make your own folder in a mac?

Of course you can make your "own" folder. You can even change the icon of the folder. If you need to know more just ask.

How can you create sub folder in c?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<windows.h> int main() { CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience",NULL); //create folder "ComputerScience" in desktop CreateDirectory("C:\\Users\\Tareq\\Desktop\\ComputerScience\\SF",NULL);//create another folder "SF" inside ComputerScience folder printf("file created"); getch(); }

How do you create a folder in c lang and take the name from user and how to create a folder inside user's folder?

In ANSI/ISO standard there is no any function that would be capable of doing that. You should need to look for special system function in order to create folder. Systems with support for the POSIX libraries can use the mkdir() function. For example, if you are using UNIX type operating system, you could include "sys/dir.h" and use mkdir().Example:#include #include #include int main() {int code = mkdir("folder");if (code 0) {printf("SUCCESS\n");} else {printf("FAILURE\n");}return 0;}In this example we are calling other command line utility in background - mkdir and telling it to create folder named "folder".

Indexed locations for Windows 7 can be modified to include additional folder or additional drives?


In what folder does Windows 2000 store a backup of registry when backing up the system state?

The %System Root%\repair\RegBack folder. But don't include the ending period

Does force updating minecraft delete the save files?

No, of course not. Force updating only makes the game redownload the game files in the /bin/ folder. Your game saves aren't in that folder.

Underlined text such as the task and folder names are referred to as what?

Underlined text such as task and folder names are commonly referred to as hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are clickable elements on a webpage or document that direct users to another location or resource.

When referencing a file located in a different folder than the link tag you must include what from the file?


Where can one find more information on folder design?

One can find information on folder design through many websites. These websites include You The Designer, Andy Sowards, Printing For Less, and Creatives Wall.

What is a sub folder and a sub level folder?

A sub folder is when you put a folder in another folder and a sub level folder is when you put more than one sub folder in another sub folder.....

Can five star folder be pain folder?

Since folder is a container, a five star folder can be pain folder

How do you get rid of a URI?

"/files" instead of "/files/index.htm" providing of course youre webserver has index.htm as default for that specific folder or folders.