

What are elephants afraid of?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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11y ago

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Pretty much every animal on this Earth. The elephant is the largest land mammal, so even lions are scared of them and run away because they do not want to become lion pulp. The only creature not scared of them is giraffes because they are taller than elephants and cannot get squished by them.

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11y ago

They proved on Mythbusters that elephants are afraid of Mice.

Hunting groups of lions, unsure footing.

Mice? See the related question about elephants and fear of mice.

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12y ago

Yes. You can believe me because i am a camel.

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It depends on who you are,really. But some people have a fear of elephants called Pachydermophobia.

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Something people are afraid of that starts with e?

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