

What are cumputers for?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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Makes the world go round and round

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Q: What are cumputers for?
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The technology in Budapest Hungary is Apple Cumputers.

When the first cumputer was made?

The first general cumputers was made during ww2

When was the first general cumputer made?

The first general cumputers was made during ww2

When data that flows back and forth between cumputers on the Internet is broken down into what?


When were cumputers invented?

Well they where invented before the stone age that's for sure and if you are concerned with this then you need a life.

Why can't i see people on cumputers so it can be safer?

wait you mean you cant see me wierd i can see you

How good is the metal copper in attracting lighting?

well copper is used in tralers for elictric wireing and in cumputers so i would say it pretty darn good

How can someone recover data files on a computer?

it is possible to recover data files on a computer. you have many option to help you with this task. Altought the ways to recover can differ from one computer to an other because of the programs. some computers as directely an icon to do the task. This icon would be in the section my computer and could be design to be like an other driver. most of cumputers, when there s a lost of information will send you a recovery message when you start your competer, then you just have to follow the instruction. If these option doesn t work, than you can do a research using the key down right, and you ll have the information requirered by your computer.

How much computing power was used to land on the moon?

From Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience: The Apollo guidance computer: HardwareMIT's original design called for just 4K words of fixed memory and 256 words of erasable (at the time, two computers for redundancy were still under consideration). By June 1963, the figures had grown to 10K of fixed and 1K of erasable. The next jump was to 12K of fixed, with MIT still insisting that the memory requirement for an autonomous lunar mission could be kept under 16K! Fixed memory leapt to 24K and then finally to 36K words, and erasable memory had a final configuration of 2K wordsSee link below for much more indepth information on the Apollo cumputers.

What do engineers use cumputers for?

Research, design, develop, and test computer or computer-related equipment for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use. May supervise the manufacturing and installation of computer or computer-related equipment and components.

What impact did the computer revolution have on society?

Several negative effects come to mind: 1/ Prolonged use can affect your vision. I know several people who attribute their failing eyesight to spending long periods of time at the computer. When my wife quit her job, her vision actually improved, and she no longer needs to wear reading glasses ! 2/ Unless regular breaks are taken and careful attention is paid to one's posture, RSI can result from prolonged use of the computer. 3/ In spite of the original claims that computers would save enormous quantities of paper, the opposite has been the case. 4/ (submitted by aforementioned wife) Can be detrimental to marriages, when partner becomes totally consumed by the machine !!!!! That's a lie... cumputers are awesomee. ilovethemm. LOVE!

How do you put music on a Nintendo 3DS?

Take the SD card that comes in the 3DS's SD card slot and put it in a computer. Then click DCIM, then click on 100NIN03.once you have done that you can make a file named music enter that, then copy and paste the songs onto the SD card and put it back in the 3DS, then open Nintendo 3DS Sound. And hopefully the music should be there and you can listen to it. :)