Group communication is the exchange of information and ideas between individuals using interpersonal skills
small group communication can be group discussion,interview in personnel selection,conferences,seminars,symposia and workshops.
Group Size Communication Flow Attitude of Members Group Ecology Leadership
advantagesofgroup communication
Small group communication
Small group discussion, it is a formal communication between teacher and the students or listener that discuss the topic.
advantages of upward communication
Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more individuals. Small group communication includes numbers from 3 to about 20 people, and large group communication includes numbers larger than that (i.e., a lecture hall of 300 students or a theatrical production with an audience of 3,000). For communication between two individuals, see interpersonal communication.
Group communication refers to communication between 3 or more individuals. Small group communication includes numbers from 3 to about 20 people, and large group communication includes numbers larger than that (i.e., a lecture hall of 300 students or a theatrical production with an audience of 3,000). For communication between two individuals, see interpersonal communication.
advantages of hart communication
What are advantages of Written word Communication?