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Q: What are accumulated patches called when combined together?
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When combined together accumulated patches are called?


What is two or more substances that are together but not combined called?

This is called a mixture.

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an inn or tavern

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a mixture

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What are the dark patches on the sun's surface called

What is it called when two or more elements are combined together but have not been made to react?

a conboltable element

What is made of two or more substances that are together in the same place but are not chemically combined called?

a mixture

Are updates accumulated patches?

Not usually Regular updates are single fixes (patches) for specific problems, unless otherwise specified in the update. Anything containing multiple patches are called "roll-up's", where many patches are "rolled-up" into a single download. Service packs are a cumulative update, meaning every individual patch up to the SP release is rolled into this SP (along with performance upgrades or any other system updates needed). (Wasn't logged in when I answered this. Edited so my username would be added to the answer)

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It is made of several small objects combined together.

What is ballet and hip hop combined together called?

I think you're talking about contemporary. Hope I helped :)

What are two substances that are chemically combined called?

Two substances that are chemically combined are called a compound. It is a substance that is made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio.

What are dark cooler patches on the sun called?

They are called, sunspots.