Silicone Wafers
in Intel mother board the mother board and all the chips also from Intel but in chipset motherboard the only chips are form Intel so this chipset is chepest in compair to orignal Intel mother there is an opportunity that in chipset some chips are not from Intel so be carefull at the time of purchasing new computer from market.
Intel and AMD chips are for computers to amke them better, so think of it like a boost to the computer, so it can prosseses things faster
For the end-user, you can expect newer Intel chips (such as the i9) to basically work the same as older chips - except that it might be faster.
Intel is a company that makes electronic chips for computers and other electronic devices
Slot 2 is used by Intel Pentium II Xeons and Intel Pentium III Xeons. These chips were most common in servers and industrial workstations.
Beginning with the Intel 1800 chipset, there are two main chips of the chipset. These are called the Northbridge and the Southbridge.