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Q: What are Evolutionary trends in angiospermic plants?
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All plants have fruits?

Only Angiospermic plants have fruits

What is a type of plant that has flowers?

Angiospermic plants have flowers

Do plants have a tubes?

Yes angiospermic plants have sieve tubes in their conducting tissues.

Does vascular plants have vessels?

Most angiospermic vascular plants have true vessels

How angiosperm and animals depend on each other?

The herbevour animals eat leaves of angiospermic plant as their food and angiospermic plants get manure from the excretion of these animals.

What are vascular plants that produce flowers?

All angiospermic plants produce flowers and have vascular tissue.

What are some angiosperm products?

Grains, pulses, cotton, vegetable oils etc. are all products of angiospermic plants

Large-scale evolutionary trends are the result of?

macroevolution .........novanet

A flowering plant that produces seeds enclosed in a protective structure?

Angiospermic plants produce seeds enclosed by ovary wall.

How does Evolutionary Trends affect Natural Selection?

Adaptation for stronger shells.

What is the system nature?

a natural system of classification is that system of classification in which the organism is classified on the basis of their vegitative characters which are permanent and do not change with the envoirment this system of classification avoids the grouping of hetereogeneous and un related groups of organisms according to this sytem plants are classified on the basis of evolutionary trends while as animals are classified on basis of both evolutionary and phylogenetic trends........junaid

What is Natural system of classification?

a natural system of classification is that system of classification in which the organism is classified on the basis of their vegitative characters which are permanent and do not change with the envoirment this system of classification avoids the grouping of hetereogeneous and un related groups of organisms according to this sytem plants are classified on the basis of evolutionary trends while as animals are classified on basis of both evolutionary and phylogenetic trends........junaid