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Q: What appears when a program needs some information from you before it can complete a command?
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What appears if a program needs some information from you before it can complete a command?

Dialog Box. By the way, the homework isn't hard :P You just have to do the XP tutorial.

What appears when a program needs some information from you before it completes a command?

Dialog Box. =)

What command provides on screen information about the program your using?


Cannot complete install program configuration?

There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated Konqueror with application/x-msdos-program, but it cannot handle this file type.

Can a Java program use one or more command line arguments?

Command line arguments in Java are, as with most programming languages, a way to give information to a program at the point of invoking (starting to run) that program. The information is given in the form of a text string. Command line arguments are accessible in a Java program as an array of String objects passed into the program's "main" method. Unlike some programming languages (such as C/C++), where the command used to invoke the program is passed into the first array location (index 0) and the arguments subsequently, in Java the first argument occupies index 0. Command line arguments are a useful way of gathering information from the user when it is likely will know the information at the start of the program. For example, a Java application might copy a file from myFile.txt to myNewFile.txt by running the command "java CopyUtil myFile.txt myNewFile.txt". It is useful to allow such information to be passed in via command line arguments to make the program more scriptable: in other words, more conducive to scripted invocation, through a Desktop shortcut, through a batch file, through a shell script, etc.

What is the command to compile jre6 program?

It is 'Java program' to be precise, and the command is: 'javac'

What is the use of INPUT statement?

Input command is used to enter the values while the program is being executed. this command waits for the user to enter the information and then assigns the values accordingly.

What is command to compiler java program?

The command is "javac".

Instruction that causes a program to perform a specific action?


How do you start the display program in Linux from the command line?

the command "display" brings up the ImageMagick program.

What is java command?

A Java application can accept any number of arguments from the command line. This allows the user to specify configuration information when the application is launched.The user enters command-line arguments when invoking the application and specifies them after the name of the class to be run.

Do I need to complete a certification program in order to become a personal trainer?

Yes, you would need to complete a certification program in order to become a personal trainer. For more information on that check out this site!