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what is the opulent slide master

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Q: What and where is the opulent slide master for PowerPoint 2010?
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You can access Notes Master in PowerPoint 2010 by selecting View tab on the Ribbon and within the Master Views group click the Notes Masterbutton.You can learn more about Views in PowerPoint 2010: At indezine site

When you open a new presentations a slide with the default layout appears?

Title Slide (on the 2007 & 2010 PowerPoint)

What are the extensions for PowerPoint files?

There are a few: .pot--PowerPoint 97 to 2003 template file .potx--PowerPoint 2007/2010 Open XML presentation template file .pps--PowerPoint 97 to 2003 complete slide show file .ppsx--PowerPoint 2007/2010 Open XML complete slide show file .ppt--PowerPoint 97 to 2003 Presentation file .pptm--PowerPoint 2007/2010 macro-enabled Open XML presentation file .pptx--Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 Open XML presentation file

What does Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 call the predefined area inside a slide where text may be entered?

Text Box

What appears on the right side of the Slide area to allow users to move forward or backward through the presentation?

The Scroll Bars appears on the right side of the Slide area - which enables you to navigate to other slides (or the same slide when you zoom the view to a larger percentage. Learn more about the Slide Area in PowerPoint 2010 which explains about the Scroll Bars also:

What is the F5 Function key used for in PowerPoint 2010?

Press F5 to view your presentation from the beginning.

What keyboard key can you use to start a presentation in Powerpoint 2010?

The F5 key starts a Powerpoint Presentation. Shift-F5 will start it from the current slide, which is particularly useful when you are working on a show and want to see how a new slide looks without having to go through the whole show.

What does an entrance effect in Microsoft 2010?

An Entrance Effect is the way something appears on the slide in Powerpoint when it is animated. So it can things like Zoom in or Fly in for example. Powerpoint gives a wide range of choices of effects that can be used.

What items in the slide show could be hyperlinked in a website?

Text and images can be hyper-linked in PowerPoint. For more information you can visit The link for hyper-linking is shown below:

What extension is PowerPoint show file?

.pps and ppsx (for Powerpoint 2010)

What year is pptx in PowerPoint?

It could be either PowerPoint 2007 or 2010.

Will a 2003 Powerpoint work with a 2007 Powerpoint?

Yes. PowerPoint 2007 (and 2010) support loading presentations that were made in older PowerPoint version.