The firewall on a computer is not, generally, a physical thing at all, but is a software program that watches everything happening on the network and stops network activity that it believes could be harmful.
The firewall, as it watches what is happening on the network, could be said to be connected to the network plug, which is a small, square plug, generally on the back of the computer. It looks like an oversized phone jack. Do not plug a phone jack into a network connector; it will destroy your network hardware.
inside the engine compartment and on the fire wall
under dash at fire wall in ceter of console.
it is located on the left side of the fire wall by the battery, bigg silver box.
Check your voltage regulator located on the fire wall.
Located on driver side valve cover towards the fire wall. It plugs into the top on the valve cover.
Its located on the passenger side fire wall behind the shock tower next too your diagnostic plugs
with the rest of the software. On the HDD.
Check the ballist resister on fire wall !!!!
Try around the fire wall. Try around the fire wall. Try around the fire wall.
Protect your computer from hackers and viruses with a Zone Alarm fire wall. You can download a free Zone Alarm fire wall to make sure your computer receives complete protection. Zone Alarm prevents hackers from seeing what you are doing online, so your computer is basically only visible to traffic that meets your approval. It is so simple to protect a computer and software from damage when a reliable firewall is installed. A Zone Alarm fire wall does not cost you any money. When a Zone Alarm fire wall is installed on your computer, the only software that is allowed on your computer is software that you personally authorize.
if you look under the hood faceing the engine it's on the fire wall on the right hand side.
A firewall is a wall that sets your computer on fire.