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I don't know the age but i know the bigger ones are adults and the smaller ones are younger.

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12y ago
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11y ago

6 and up but if ur allergic dont get a rat

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Q: What age is a rat when you buy it?
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Can you buy a rat suit on sims 2 Nintendo ds?

you cant actually buy the rat suit. You need to build the rat cave and the rat suit will be there

Where do you buy the original rat pack Christmas CD?

You could buy the Original Rat Pack CD at any record store or stores such as Best Buy or online at Amazon.

What is the age requirement of a rat catcher?

In the Middle Ages there were no age requirements. Most child by age 7 were working and some were rat catchers.

Which rat is the nicest rat?

No rat is really "the nicest". it all depends on how much you play with them and toys in their cage. If you are looking to buy one, my personnal favorite is the fancy rat.

How old does a male rat have to be to fertilize a female rat?

rats are mature at a month and a half of age

How can know rat's age?

There is no reliable way to know for sure the actual age.

Where can you buy a naked mole rat?

At a pet store

what is the age required to do rat catcher?

18 to 30

Does sausage have rat hair in it?

chefs do make sausages with some rat hair. when you go to the store to buy them, they already contain rat hair for flavor and texture.

Your rat has just died how can you comfortthe other?

You have to buy another rat because rats can't live alone

Where is a good place to buy a rat and cage and maybe toys and food?

Petsmart normally has a wide selection of rat cages, food, and rat-approved toys for them to play with.

How do you get rid of rat's?

You can get rid of your rats by using a Rat Zapper rat trap.