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Q: What advantages do computers give scientists as tools for investigation?
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umm.. they use computers and wikipedia.

What are three tools of investigation?

the 3 tools investigation the interrogat

Pictures of tools scientists use?

Scientists use a variety of tools depending on their field of study. Some common tools include microscopes, pipettes, spectrophotometers, centrifuges, and scales. These tools help scientists to observe, measure, and analyze different aspects of the natural world.

What are three basis tools of investigation?

The three methods of investigation are document analysis, interview and observation. This will be determined by the particular type of investigation.

What tools are used to look at space?

The major tools that are used to look at space are a telescpes and computers. The larget the telescope, the deeper scientists can look into space and see what's going on. Computers help astronomers to track the motion of stars and other celestial objects.

What are the three tools of investigation?

three tools criminalinvestigation

What types of tools do forensic scientists use in their work?

They use dusters, sticky slaps for fingerprinting, measurers (tape measurers,etc), and lots of computers.

What are the advantages of case workbench tools?

Advantages of CASE tools Productivity Consistency Methodology automation Encourage good practice and Documention Sanjay Billore Disadvantages Initial system is more expensive Difficult to customise Training Cost Integration to current system mickf13

In nutrition tool what are the advantages and disadvantages of food group?

what are the disadvantages and advantages tools in nutrition? what are the disadvantages and advantages tools in nutrition?

How do computers help scientists learn more about bacteria?

Because, lazers and detectors can count how much bacteria is in an example . Also, because you can use tools to magnify or describe the bacteria

What are the 3 tools of criminal investigation?

information, interrogation, instrumentation

These do scientists use to study the world around them?

Scientists use various tools and methods such as microscopes, telescopes, computers, and experiments to study the world around them. They also rely on scientific principles, theories, and models to analyze and interpret data to make discoveries and advancements in their fields.