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The file format does not perform any actions, it just exists. The rick text format (RTF) is a file format most likely to be compatible with the largest number of word processing programs. It is a standard word processing file format that is as close as it gets to a universal format for word processors.

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Q: What actions does the rich text format file type perform?
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How can you reduce file size of a word document without sending a zip file?

Change the Doc format to . any other format like rich txt format or .TXT format

What program can you use to save a file in the rich text format file format?

Wordpad, Notepad, any equivalent text editing program.

What is a RTF file format?

RTF stands for "Rich Text Format". It's a file format used for documents that can contain both text and pictures. RTF can also contain embedded fonts, Annotations and drawings.

How do you convert a doc document into a rich format file document?

Choose "save as" option and there in the dialog box choose file type .rtf

What program can save a file in the rich text format file format?

Open Office is capable of saving files in rich text format (.rtf). When you save a file in open office, the default is .doc but you can change it to another format if you choose to. I've been using Open Office for a number of years, and find it an excellent suite of programs to use. See the related link for Open Office suite (free to download, and it's open source software).

What is the difference between .doc and .rtf?

.doc refers to a word document .rtf refers to rich text format the .rtf extension was an enhancement of the .txt (Notepad) which was available in initial versions of windows. in rtf format you can form text styles like bold italics etc but advanced text editing and formatting was not supported by .rtf the word document provides us a lot of features that the rtf does not.

How do you convert pmd to word?

To convert a pmd file to a word file, start with the PageMaker file you wish to convert. From the File menu, choose "Export." Then, select "Rich Text Format," and a name to export the file. Open that "rtf" file in Word and under File, choose "Save," choose "Word document," and save it. To save any accompanying images, just select "Copy" in PageMaker and "Paste" in Word.

How do you change rich text format to txt format?

For windows. Select/Copy the rich text to the windows clipboard. Paste the copied text into a non rich text enabled editor e.g. notepad.

Which file format enables users to share a document on different systems?

It all depends on what you mean by 'document.' Some use that term for any file but for computer people, a document is a file that can be like a book or text file with picture or no pictures. If you want to share text and work with another person, the best solution might be using the .rtf format, which stands for 'Rich Text Format.' It is a generic type of text file that allows you to make bolds and italics and such so that you can leave notes to a colleague. If the colleague is doing the work and that person wants corrections from you, the best format may be .pdf, which stands for 'Portable Document Format.' This format allows you to mark it up, like a teacher might, with notes, circles, x outs... etc. If you are on a Mac, the 'Preview' app can do the mark up. If you are on a PC, then you must download and load the free PDF Reader. Rtf and pdf work on all computer OS's including iOS and Android.

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What is the standard format used on the Web is?

The standard format used on the web is the RSS which is defined as Rich Site Summary. This was expanded from the XML format which allows publishers to syndicate data automatically.

What is the standard format used on the web?

The standard format used on the web is the RSS which is defined as Rich Site Summary. This was expanded from the XML format which allows publishers to syndicate data automatically.