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The essentials are a cage or tank with litter at the bottom (NOT sawdust or wood shavings, I use Carefresh and change it weekly), a water bottle, a feeding bowl and a small box for the mouse to sleep in- containing soft bedding of natural fibres, such as shredded tissue.

Playthings are pretty important too- I use anything made of cardboard such as toilet paper tubes, old tea boxes, egg boxes, shredded paper of various textures and so on. Really you can use any old container as long as it won't be toxic if chewed. I also have two hamster wheels for them which they LOVE and gives them lots of exercise.

I have found various wooden chew toys that were made for rabbits or hamsters to be really good for my mice. It is important that you give them something like this as their teeth will continue to grow and may become a problem if they cannot wear them down by chewing.

Also I have a large cardboard box that a computer came in that I use as a playpen for my mice. I fill it with as many cardboard and wooden playthings as I can find, such as cardboard cereal, Easter egg, cookie and pen boxes, also the long tubes from the centre of gift wrap are always appreciated and enjoyed. I line the playpen with newspaper first, and always watch them while they play in case they try to excape! I am intending to change this playpen to a super-large plastic storage box at some point as it is easier to clean and completely un-chewable.

As a final 'accessory' I would say that your mouse needs another mouse! If mice are kept alone they can get depressed, ill, and can die from this. If your mouse is a girl that is no problem, buy another girl and they will probably become great friends. If it is a boy that is more of a problem. As they can be aggressive to other boys, and if housed with girls will definitely result in babies, the solution is to have him neutered by a vet. This is inexpensive, and he can then be introduced to a girl mousey and finally be very happy I hope!

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Q: What acceceries do you need for a pet mouse?
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Approximately 20-25 grams. A pet mouse can be weighed to assure health. Be sure it is receiving proper diet and exercise.

What do you do with a dying baby mouse?

If you see that your pet is dying you need to rush to a pet hospital or humane society, they could probobly help the mouse. If you can not go to one, there is probobly nothing you can really do to help a mouse. Hope I Helped!

If you bought a pet mouse and you already had a pet cats would your kitten try and eat it?

Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out. Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out. Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out.

Where can you obtain a healthy pet mouse?

from a mouse breeder but if you don't trust them try the pet store. Go to the web site and you can adopt or buy a mouse there