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Which type describes hard drive partitions that are accessed directly by the operating system?


Private in java?

The private identifier is used to specify that an element can not be directly accessed from the outside. For example, a field or method declared as private can not be accessed directly from outside of the object or class in which it is used.

Math class is an example of which class?

It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.

Which is built directly on the hardware?


Does application software such as Microsoft Excel manipulates the computer hardware directly?

Applications interact with the operating system. It is the operating system that works directly with the hardware.

Which items can be accessed directly through your computer in windows xp?

This question should actually be read as "My Computer" instead of "your computer." The items that can be accessed are your network drives and your devices with removable storage.

How can directly write to a removable disk?

Specify your Operating System.

Which site do you download games for PSP?

The PlayStation Network is accessed directly through the PSP itself, on the main menu.

Differentiate between applet application and standalone application?

An applet runs in a browser; a standalone application works like a traditional application, which you launch directly from your operating system.An applet runs in a browser; a standalone application works like a traditional application, which you launch directly from your operating system.An applet runs in a browser; a standalone application works like a traditional application, which you launch directly from your operating system.An applet runs in a browser; a standalone application works like a traditional application, which you launch directly from your operating system.

How do you achieve encapsulation by using class?

By making fields private. That way, they can't be directly accessed from the outside - the are hidden, that is, encapsulated.

Can a website store cookies on your computer if you have not directly accessed it. I have found some suspect cookies on my mac and I know I have not accessed the sites. Does this mean someone else has?

If you see cookies from websites that you have not personally accessed directly, there could be two different reasons for it.Reason 1:As you suspected, somebody else could have accessed the site.Reason 2:The site might not have been directly accessed, but it could have appeared as a pop-up or redirection, or it could have shown up on another website as an advertisement or just a random frame (iframe) linked to another website.iframe: A utility of HTML coding that allows one website to display another webpage within itselfHTML: "Hyper Text Markup Language", the most standard form of website coding/creation

What process describes the transfer of heat directly by contact?

Conduction is the process that describes the transfer of heat directly by contact. It occurs through the collision of molecules within a substance or between two substances in contact.