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Q: UNIX is unsuitable for real-time applications because a process executing in kernel mode may not be preempted Elaborate?
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Thermopylai was not pre-empted. It happened.

Whether the federal government has preempted a certain area is always clear?

It is False, just put the answer and move on. Trust me.

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CSI Miami is showing reruns on Sunday night.

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I'm going to preempt these tickets before anyone else can, Stupid!

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What is a Race Condition in process syncronization?

When two processes sharing a common variable try to update it simultaneously, one cannot predict the output of it, this is the race condition.A thread while updating the variable can be preempted by another thread and update it differently .This is why Synchronization mechanisms are used.Ex:X=5Process 1: X=X+1Process 2: X=X+2Machine code isLOAD EAX,MEMORY_XADD EAX , 1MOV MEMORY_X,EAXWhile process1 is executing second line it could be preempted ..And process2 takes turn so , MEMORY_X contains value 7,.Now Process1 comes back and starts the remaining lines of code .The memory then contains value 6.Which is the final answer. But we should have got a value of 8 instead

What is the answer to the November 4 2008 Wheel of Fortune bonus or final puzzle?

Show was preempted by election specials. (PARTIAL ECLIPSE was the answer for November 4 2008)

Could Homicide be explained in counties as well as state law?

no only State Legislative action can define such crimes for the entire state, countiesand such are preempted

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It's unlikely there is an alternate channel sometimes when a show it preempted they show it at a later time

Is round robin scheduling preemptive or non primitive?

If a process does not complete before its CPU-time expires, the CPU is preempted and given to the next process waiting in a queue. The preempted process is then placed at the back of the ready list. Round Robin Scheduling is preemptive (at the end of time-slice) therefore it is effective in time-sharing environments in which the system needs to guarantee reasonable response times for interactive users.

Is Copyright law express preemption?

No; it is implied preemption, specifically field preemption. While the 1976 law in particular preempted state laws on sound recording, this was not expressly stated.

Can an ellipse be four dots if you are leaving out an entire sentence or more?

Only if the ellipses are preempted by another sentence. Anymore than three full-stops/periods is considered grammatically incorrect.