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Q: Trusted platform module is required for newly issued computers and laptops?
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Related questions

Are laptops cheaper then computers?

Yes, laptops are cheaper then Computers. Well at the moment anyway

What percentage of the world have computers?

Almost 100% of the world have computers. With the widespread availability of portable laptops computers can reach areas where they have never been before. Specialist computers are required for the extreme temperatures of, for example, the Arctic and Antarctic.

What are notebook laptops?

Notebook laptops are also called as laptop computers or portable computers it can be used in different environments.

how much are the computers?

how much for the laptops

Do Argos sell laptops?

Yes, Argos sells laptops and also computers

What are the best buys on laptop computers?

For a beginner, Acer laptops are not bad. You can also check the Toshiba ones, they are also good. Sony is another trusted brand that performs well and lasts long.

What are the differences between desktop computers laptops and notebooks?

Desktop computers differ from laptops and notebooks because they are not portable like laptops and notebooks. Desktop computers are usually your personal pc computers with windows and/or apple operating systems. Laptop computers are great as they are portable and can be used anywhere there is wifi service as are notebooks.

Best notebooks and laptops?

Sony Vaio by far :p You should also check out sites that rate laptops and notebook computers. can give you personalized, reliable and quick advice. They have a recommendation engine that ranks Laptops / Notebook Computers based on ratings and reviews from a community of trusted IT professionals. They also have an effective personalization slider that lets you personalize the results based on the criteria that are most important to YOU. (

What kind of computers is word processing with?


Are Lenvo laptops good computers?

no and yes

What place where compaq computers made from?

Compaq computers/laptops are made in china

How do laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files?

Laptops and computers differ when it comes to managing files. Computers, in general, tend to have a larger capacity for storage as compared to laptops. Managing a large quantity and/or size of files may therefore be easier on a computer.