The way a computer works is there are transistors in the computer chips, the transistor controls the flow of power much like a light switch.the transistors can be on or off, and that is why binary is key because your computer is made up of 1s and 0s or on and off or true or false.
Integrated circuits (in many microprocessor integrated circuits) containing many billions of transistors each.
Like every other chip processors consist of millions of transistors.
Transistors lend themselves to on/off circuits. The ternary system is easier on paper, in that the math is simpler, but building the circuits is a different matter.
1)Transistors 2)Capacitors 3)Resistors
three associated coordinate system
A computer can only understand two distinct types of data: on and off. A computer is just a collection of on/off switches (transistors). Anything that a computer can do is nothing more than a unique combination of some transistors turned on and some transistors turned off.
Circuit patterns are the collections of transistors, capacitors, and associated components and their interconnections.
Of course. Transistors are the base of all computer processors. They are the successor to the vacuum tube.