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Press Enter or click somewhere other than the tab you are changing.

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Q: To rename sheets double click the sheet tab in the lower left corner of the window type the new sheet name and then?
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Either you can click on the 'Maximize-minimize' button in the upper right hand corner, or you can put the mouse at the corner of the window, at the point where a double-ended arrow appears, and then, holding down the left button, drag the window to the size that you want.

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Well that depends. Is the window open or closed out? I'm pretty sure it has to be closed to rename it, depending on the file type.

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To open, double click on the Word icon. To close, click Exit or click the red X in the top right corner of the window.

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Well, you can minimize a "window" by clicking the _ or the "double boxes" at the upper right, for 2 levels of minimization.

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Click on the red 'X' in the top right hand corner of the screen and the window will close.

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no the only window that can be replaced is the center one that slides. in some sliders not all.

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Click the red X in the corner.

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