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Q: To continue a sequence in adjacent cells such as months of the year what do you use for feature of excel?
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MAMJJASO are the initial letters of the months from March through October, so the next letter in the sequence is N for November.

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Free Antivirus 2014 can now continue to be used for 12 months.

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At the moment, No. But when iOS 4.3 is released in a couple of months it can with the new Hotspot feature

What letter comes next in this sequence M A M J J?

The answer is N for November.becauseM=MarchA=aprilM=mayJ=JuneJ=JulyA=AugustS=septemberO=Octoberand then N=November

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The sequence is following the order of the vowels in the alphabet. Next would be i (after e), then o (after u), and so on.

What is the next term of the sequence jfmamjj?

a [months in order] a = august after j-une and j-uly [last four are therefore... sond]

How many days in 7 months?

7 months would have approximately 213 days, assuming each month has an average of 30.4 days.

What age does children have all their deciduous teeth?

the deciduous teeth starts erupting from 6 months and continue till twenty five to thirty three months of age.

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Possibly just a few months.

What are the sequence of the program for the male debut?

The first part of the sequence for a male debut is to determine the guest list and the female counterparts. Next is to determine the venue. Invitations are to be sent out one to two months in advance. Finally, the cotillion is to be organized.