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Q: The rules that establish an orderly transfer of data between the sender and the receiver are called?
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The orderly transfer of goods and services is --------- utility?


What are the function of networking protocol?

To facilitate transfer of information over a network in an orderly manner, so that every sender gets a chance to send and every receiver can recognize what it is to receive. Error checking and retry mechanisms are also included to prevent corruption or loss of data in the transfer.

The orderly transfer of goods and services is what kind of utility?

d. ownership

Rules that govern the orderly transfer of date within data communications?

FTP... I think...

What is a slave cycle?

A slave cycle is a synchronized data transfer process between a master device and a slave device in a computer system. It involves the master device initiating communication with the slave device to exchange data or commands in a predefined sequence. This cycle allows for the orderly and efficient transfer of information between devices.

How do you demonstrate orderly and systematic behavior?

To demonstrate orderly and systematic behavior, one can prioritize tasks, create to-do lists, establish routines, use organizational tools like calendars or planners, and break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Consistency and adherence to established processes also contribute to displaying orderly and systematic behavior.

What is the difference between neat and clean?

Neat means that things are orderly. Clean means they aren't dirty.

What is the duration of The Disorderly Orderly?

The duration of The Disorderly Orderly is 1.48 hours.

When was The Orderly created?

The Orderly was created on 1918-03-01.

When was Orderly or Disorderly created?

Orderly or Disorderly was created in 1981.

How do you use orderly in a sentence?

The house was orderly and well-kept.

Is orderly an adverb?

Yes, the word orderly is an adverb.An example sentence is: "please leave the building in a calm and orderly manner".