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Unknown. It was developed in the ENIAC project in WW2 but nobody recorded who first came up with it. ENIAC did not use it.

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Q: The person who contributed the idea of the stored program concept was?
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What is the meaning of this term Stored Program Concept?

a program that is stored in the memory of the computer that executes it

Who is the father of stored program concept?

Von Neumann

Who is credited with creating the stored program computer model?

The concept of stored program was presented by Dr.John Von Neumann.

Where can the stored program concept be located on the mother board?


Who invented the stored program concept?

John Von Neumann.

Who developed the idea of a stored program concept?

John von Neumann

Who is Von Neumann?

Von Neumann was the first person to suggest to concept of the stored program. This concept states that there is no difference between computer instructions and data. More importantly, he suggested that it was not necessary to have separate storage location for a computer program and data -- hence today, computer instructions are stored in primary memory for execution, along with other data.

The concept that a series of instructions for a computing task can be loaded into memory is called a stored?


What is memory in digital electronic?

Data and program instructions are stored in primary/electronic memory. Explain the concept of electronic memory ''the concept of electronic memory''

What is stored program corcept?

Stored-program concept: Storage of instructions in computer memory to enable it to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or intermittently. The idea was introduced in the late 1940s by John von Neumann, who proposed that a program be electronically stored in binary-number format in a memory device so that instructions could be modified by the computer as determined by intermediate computational results. Other engineers, notably John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, contributed to this idea, which enabled digital computers to become much more flexible and powerful. Nevertheless, engineers in England built the first stored-program computer, the Manchester Mark I, shortly before the Americans built EDVAC, both operational in 1949.

What is the role of memory to store both data and programs is known as the concept?

The role of memory to store both data and programs is known as the stored program concept. Memory stores three types of items.

Where is the OS master program stored?

the master program of OS is stored in ROM.