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The Timer displays above the Interaction Bar, no matter which room you are located in.

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kimberly kreitz

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Q: The area is located on the right side of the taskbar and displays information such as the time?
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Located on the right side of the taskbar; displays icons for running services?

System tray

What GUI element is usually on the right side of the taskbar and displays open services?

The system tray is the area on the right side of the taskbar that displays open services.

How can you keep the taskbar where you can see it?

Right click on taskbar, the click on "Lock the taskbar".

How do enable the lock the taskbar?

on the taskbar right click on it and select lock the taskbar and when you do it again it should be checkmarked

How do you change the direction of taskbar?

To change the direction of the taskbar in Windows, you can right-click on an empty space on the taskbar, go to "Toolbars," and then select a new positioning option such as "Left," "Top," or "Right." The taskbar will then move to that side of the screen.

What is the function that retrieves and then displays the date and time from your computer?

What operating system are you on? If Windows, go to the the time on the bottom right of the taskbar and there you go!

What is a internet browser taskbar and icons?

An internet browser is a type of software that is used to look up and retrieve information from the World Wide Web. The taskbar is the bar located on the bottom right hand of the screen which tells the user which programs are currently running. Icons are images used to identify different applications or files.

What is the definition of status bar in Microsoft office?

The status bar in Microsoft excel is a bar where options to be selected are displayed. And this bar can be customize through right click and choose the options that you like.

How do you get the taskbar behind windows on Vista?

You right-click on your taskbar and then click on properties. Then you un-select 'Keep the taskbar on top of other windows'.

How do you make your task bar disappear?

Right click on your windows taskbar, go to properties, under the taskbar properties you will get the taskbar appearance pane in which you check the Auto hide the taskbar option and your taskbar will get disappear.... whenever you need it just hover you mouse to the bottom of your desktop it will reappear....

Why won't taskbar stay on screen?

When you do have the taskbar on the screen, right-click on it, and slide down to "Properties". From the menu that comes up, click on "Keep the Taskbar on top of other windows".

How do you move your taskbar around?

To move your taskbar around, right-click on it and make sure the "Lock the taskbar" option is unchecked. Then, click and drag the taskbar to your desired location on the screen. Finally, don't forget to re-lock the taskbar once you've positioned it where you want.