As we know that the OS is used to operate every device through the drivers present in the OS. So without the OS we cannot communicate with the devices (hardware). For every device some drivers are required to run them and these drives are provided by the operating system. So by this we can see that the OS provides the interface between the user and the hardware, as user does not make the device work he uses the OS.
The user is responsible for interacting the operating ststem with the hardware.
HAL, it increases OS integrity because more control is possible
HArdware Input/Output Sequence Manager System Control Area of All Operating System help with Drive Communication and or control of all system Hardware and or pheriferials.
All operating systems interact with hardware.
HAL is the primarly interacts with hard ware.
The shell is made up of several subsystems that all operate in user mode. The kernel, or core, of the OS is responsible for interacting with hardware. It has more power to communicate with hardware devices than the shell has, and operates in kernel mode.
The HAL (hardware abstraction layer) is the layer between the OS and the hardware
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer). Limiting access to hardware mainly to the HAL increases OS integrity because more control is possible. With this isolation, an application cannot cause a system to hang by making illegal demands on hardware. (Source: CompTIA A+ Guide to Software Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting. Fourth Edition. Copyright 2008 Course Technology, Cengage Lerning)
They do not. An OS is specific to processor and hardware type.
the hardware responsible for input is the keyboard
hardware control is a operating system. OS is used to control the elctronic devices(hardware) via user. because user can't control hardware directly so, OS is used to interface computer & user