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This software is called firmware.

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Q: Software embedded into hardware is often referred to as ------because of its hybrid nature?
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Is operating system an embedded system?

An embedded system can include an Operating System to perform support functions for the application software and hardware. Because of the restrictive nature of an embedded system, its operating system will be compact and more efficient and will exclude many of the capabilities necessary in a general operating system. No. It is because the basic definition of embedded system is that it involves hardware and software for a single application. The device that is using an operating system may be an embedded system. But the operating system itself is not an embedded system It is because that it is only a software but not the combination of hardware and software.

Does an embedded system need operating system?

Yes. It is because the embedded system involves a hardware that can use a software. This is where we need an operating system.

Why operating system is not a embedded system?

It is because the basic definition of embedded system is that it involves hardware and software for a single application. The device that is using an operating system may be an embedded system. But the operating system itself is not an embedded system It is because that it is only a software but not the combination of hardware and software.

Is a laser printer a hardware or software?

It is a software driven hardware device. Part of the laser printer hardware is an embedded computer (a computer that the user is usually not aware of) that runs the printer mechanism control software stored in ROM (software stored in ROM is usually called firmware, because it cannot be changed as easily as software stored in RAM). This printer mechanism control software coordinates the functions of all the hardware mechanism of the printer and is much smaller than custom designed logic circuits that would do the same thing without an embedded computer.

Is frontpage hardware or software?

It is software because it is on your computer and you cant touch it. If you can pick it up then it is hardware but if you cant touch it and its on your computer screen (eg. Windows) then it is software.

Why need hardware and software?

If you didn't have hardware you wouldn't have a computer. If you didn't have software the hardware would be a boat anchor.

Why is it important for them to choose the applications software before the hardware?

Because all applications have certain hardware requirements. It is important to know what applications will be used and what hardware requirements those applications will entail before making hardware decisions.

Why is software called software?

The hard in computer hardware refers to a physical machine. Software is a program that is stored or running on that machine.

Is a Microsoft Windows 7 considered hardware or software?

Windows 7 is software because you install it on the computer. Hardware is physical and you can touch it with your fingers. EG printer. A printer is hardware because you can touch it.

Is a floppy disk a computer software?

NO it is hardware because it is physically there. Software is programs, files, ect

What is a computer file is it a hardware or software?

a computer file is software because it is part of a program and not a device (hardware) i.e CD ROM drive,hard drive

Is a Printer Hardware or Software?

A printer is hardware. Software is the generic name for any computer program.