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No, you can't register it. You need to uninstall it and buy a legal copy to register it. Software obtained illegally is punishable by law.

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Q: Should you register software you downloaded illegally?
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If the song that you have downloaded was illegally downloaded, otherwise it should be fine. UNLESS you share it on a site such as limewire, where there music is all downloaded illegally or any other website as such.

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Electronic software can be downloaded from various sites. One should only download from a trusted site due to the risk of viruses. Examples of safe websites to download from are "Microsoft Windows", "coolcircuit" and "adobe".

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Depending on how you purchased your software, there are two ways in which you should have been provided with your software key. If you downloaded your software, the software key will normally be emailed to you or stored for future access on the site that you purchased and downloaded your software from. If you bought your software on a compact disc (CD), then you will normally find your network key on the rear cover of that disc case.

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if they find out. i recommend not talking about it or posting anything around the Internet about it. as long as they dont find out you should be good. by They i mean the mean people who track down this stuff.

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WikiAnswers does not support illegal activities. If you bought the game/software, it should have come with a CD Code. be used to find and illegally activate pirated software.

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Yes you can download 2012 tax software at Many people have downloaded it and given it high ratings, so it should be safe to use on your computer.

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Go to the Site and download the Software, There should be a 'Register' or 'Sign Up' Link somewhere when you are not logged in.

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Used original software is available to buy on such websites as eBay. Protected software usually needs a key or serial to register the software and providing the key is genuine there should be no problems getting hold of used original software.

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Free Point Of Sales Software can be downloaded for free at NCH Software. Their software provides the basic functions you should need for managing your sales and works on the Windows XP or above, but also on Mac OS X 10.3 or above.

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Typically you will get the virus or Trojan from the software downloaded using Kazaa rather than from the program itself. You should not trust any executables downloaded via peer 2 peer programs.