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Q: Should a comma be used between a company name and PC?
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Should you use a comma before the word Corp in a company name?

In a company name such as "ABC Corp," do not use a comma. However, use a comma in the formulation, "ABC, Inc."

Does a comma go before LLC?

The comma goes after the business between the name and the LLC. Business Company, LLC

Should there be a comma after incorporated as in smith incorporated?

No, a comma is not needed after "incorporated" in a company name like "Smith Incorporated." This is because "Incorporated" is part of the official name of the company and is not used as a descriptive term that requires a comma for clarification.

Should there be a comma after a man by the name of?

Yes, there should be a comma after "a man by the name of" when it is used to introduce a specific person's name. For example: "A man by the name of John,..."

Should a comma be put between a first name and Jr?

Yes, a comma should be placed between a first name and "Jr." when it follows the name as it indicates a generational suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

Should there be comma after company name and before Inc?

no there shouldn't be any marks besides periods.

In a name is there a comma after name before Junior?

No, there should not be a comma after the name before "Junior." The correct format is to have the name followed directly by "Junior" without any punctuation in between.

Should a comma be used before LLC in a company name?

Unless the company specifies its preference for a comma, none is required to set off "LLC" from the company name. In contrast, an "Inc." is usually set off by commas. But this is unnecessary, and according to Associated Press Style, incorrect.

Should there be a comma after Inc?

I have researched this question and the answer is- yes or no. It seems that either is correct. Historically a comma was used- Company Name, Inc. but according to the Chicago Style Manual it is acceptable to omit the comma. Note as well, that if in a sentence- Company Name, Inc., was providing.... a comma is used AFTER the Inc. as well. OR you can just leave out both. Is it a wonder that learning English punctuation is so difficult? ---Great answer! I tend to omit the comma if using the Company Name in a title, but if used in a sentence I leave it in...just my preference. :)

Does a greeting require a comma between Hi or Hello and the recipient's name?

No - Hello Ralph, I was wondering if we could discuss .... Yes, there should be a comma between "Hi" or "Hello" and the person's name because it is a "direct address" to the reader and not about the reader. Most people fail to use this formal rule of etiquette and writing because they failed to be educated to do so. In emails, due to their general informal nature, use of the comma between the greeting and person's name is not required, but is nonetheless appreciated as the formal standard rule of punctuation. The comma should always be used between the greeting and person's name, however in a business letter. * Never use a comma between "Dear" and the reader's name.

Are you supposed to put a comma between a persons last name and their suffix?

No, you do not typically put a comma between a person's last name and their suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). You would write the full name without a comma between them.

Should there be a comma after the abbreviation Inc?

No. Inc. is the abbreviation for "incorporated" and it needs to be set off by a comma and followed by a period. If however the sentence continues after the "Inc." there needs to be a comma after the period. For example: Name of the Employer: ABC Company, Inc. She works at ABC Company, Inc., where she has been working as an administrative assistant.