The ASUS N10J-A2 boasts the largest WXGA glare display with 10.2" of viewing space.
Double space the document.
MDI (Multiple Document Interface) is a Microsoft Windows programming interface for creating an application that enables users to work with multiple documents at the same time. Each document is in a separate space with its own controls for scrolling. The user can see and work with different documents such as a spreadsheet, a text document, or a drawing space by simply moving the cursor from one space to another. An MDI application is something like the Windows desktop interface since both include multiple viewing spaces. However, the MDI viewing spaces are confined to the application's window or client area . Within the client area, each document is displayed within a separate child window . MDI applications can be used for a variety of purposes - for example, working on one document while referring to another document, viewing different presentations of the same information, viewing multiple Web sites at the same time, and any task that requires multiple reference points and work areas at the same time
Today, most individuals are buying flat screen, and yes they are better. The image is clearer, better picture viewing, less bulky and doesn't take up space, lightweight, and overall better quliaty.
Telescopes like the Hubble
Hi all, The RGB stands for the RED GREEN BLUE as the standard color code format in the photoshop.If u select this option then u can view the photo is the respctive color.Also u can increase the color contrast format. is it. ---- Sorry for no link. Should not be slow. It only saves it as a AVI file :( Takes up tons of space if above 6 mins.
You get equal space above and below a document when you center the thingy-ma-bob
Different layers of the atmosphere are at different temperatures and create distortions when viewing objects from space, sort of like what a mirage does on a road on a hot day.
In theory this saves the ozone layer. It also saves space at landfills.
Because it feels like it
Your Browser already does this. How long it saves these temporary files, and how much space is dedicated to this process can be modified in your browser settings.