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physical layer.

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Q: Protocols at the blank layer accept frames from the Data Link layer and generate voltage so as to transmit signals?
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What areas of the neuron generate signals that open these voltage gated channels?

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What distributes electricity?

Electricity is distributed through a network of power lines, transformers, and substations. Power plants generate electricity and transmit it through high-voltage transmission lines to substations, where the voltage is lowered for distribution to homes, businesses, and other buildings through power lines.

What is the voltage for a camshaft and air intake sensor on a 2000 Toyota Echo?

Sensors of this nature normally generate their own return signals based on speed and temperature under varying conditions, they are not constant values.

How many volts can nerves generate?

Nerve cells, or neurons, typically generate electrical signals in the range of millivolts (mV), around -70mV to -90mV at resting state. During rapid signaling, such as action potential propagation, the voltage can transiently rise to around +40mV. So, nerves can generate voltages in the range of tens of millivolts.

What is the ability of nerve and muscle cells to produce changes in membrane voltage?

The ability of nerve and muscle cells to produce changes in membrane voltage is known as excitability. This property allows these cells to generate and propagate electrical signals, which are essential for processes such as nerve signaling and muscle contraction.

What is the role of a dendrite in the neuron?

Dendrites are the branch-like projections on a neuron that receive signals from other neurons. They play a crucial role in integrating and processing incoming signals, which ultimately determine whether the neuron will generate an electrical impulse (action potential) and transmit information to other neurons.

What is copper used for in the industry?

It is easily transmit high voltage current

Protein channels that are sensitive to electricity are known as WHAT channels?

Protein channels that are sensitive to electricity are known as voltage-gated ion channels. These channels open and close in response to changes in the membrane potential, allowing specific ions to flow across the cell membrane and generate electrical signals.

What molecularly happens a neuron affected by lidocaine?

Lidocaine works by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels on the neuron's cell membrane, preventing the propagation of action potentials. This inhibits the neuron's ability to generate and transmit electrical signals, leading to local anesthesia or analgesia.

What the different between voltage generators and voltage transformers?

Generators generate and transformers step up or step down the voltage

How sound is transmitted to speakers?

A microphone is a transducer that vibrates when in the presence of sound. These vibrations are converted into fluctuations in voltage that are transmitted to an amplifier. The amp then can increase the received voltage and transmit again via voltage fluctuations to a speaker which is also a transducer. In this case the electric signals vibrate a coil that in turn vibrates a membrane of some type creating sound waves by causing molecules in the air to vibrate.

Which osi model layer generates and detects voltage so as transmit and receive signals carrying data?

The physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for encoding frames in to the electronic/RF/optical signals of the physical medium and for reading the media and translating back in to usable frames.