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It moves it to the beginning of a line while typing.

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Q: Pressing the home key moves the cursor to what?
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WHAT keys move the curser left and right?

The arrow keys on the keyboard typically move the cursor left and right. Pressing the left arrow key moves the cursor left, while pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor right.

Pressing the Tab key typically moves the cursor?

In Excel, it will move one cell to the right.

What moves the cursor ahead one space at at time?

Pressing the right arrow key on the keyboard moves the cursor ahead one space at a time in most word processing programs or text editors.

When navigating through a document pressing the Home key on the keyboard performs what action?

It puts the cursor( | ) on the front of the line.

If you have a 3x3 table and in the first cell of the table pressing the tab key moves you to?

In Excel, TAB would move your cursor to the next column in the same row.

What does pressing the enter key do when qkeying in a word processing?

It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.It moves the cursor onto a new line and starts a new paragraph.

What character can be erased by pressing?

Most characters can be erased by pressing the backspace key or the Del key, depending on where your cursor insertion point is located.

What key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line?

Use the "Home" key (it's to the right of Backspace)

What key moves the cursor to the next line in c program?

The return key.

Pressing which key or combination of the keys removes the character to the left of the cursor?

The delete key.... (the one with the arrow pointing to the left).

What key moves the cursor 5 spaces every time you strike it?

TAB button

Where is my home tab on my computer?

If you're in a word document, it is a key, that when pressed, will take you back to the beginning of the line that your cursor is on. If you're on a webpage, it will take you to the top of the webpage.