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If a website (or other password-protected something or other) tells you that you must have a password of 6 to 10 alphanumeric characters, that means that your chosen password must be at least 6, but no more than 10, characters, which can be letters or numbers. "Alphanumeric" means letters and numbers, but not punctuation or other characters.

So, "pass" would be too short, "thisismyabsurdlylongpassword" would be too long, and "@#*&@$!^" would not work because it's not alphanumeric. "P4ssw0rd" would be between 6 and 10 alphanumeric characters, although you should choose something less easy to guess than that.
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Alphanumeric passwords are considered strongest and are very difficult to break. An example of such a password is given below:


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Here's an example: Pass12.

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Q: Password must Be 6 and 10 alpha numeric characters?
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There is no single password for this. The password has been set manually by you or another user at a previous time. That password can usually be alpha-numeric, and can very greatly in length. If you do not know that password, then you must break it, which will generally be difficult. A computer repair shop may be able to, or you may be able to hunt down the correct software yourself.

How many change password in your account?

You can change password as many times you want. The password must be minimum 8 characters of length. It must contain numerals and characters too.

Which type of password is used to enter in gmail with 8 characters?

You can use any type of password in Gmail. The password must be greater than 8 characters. It can contain special characters for it's strength.

What is the meaning of 1 upper and 1 lower case 1 numeric and 1 special char?

We suspect you may be trying to create a computer password.The upper case characters are: A B C D E . . . etc.The lower case characters are: a b c d e . . . etc.The numeric characters are: 1 2 3 4 5 . . . etc.Special characters are: . , < ? > / ! # $ % & * + etc.It's telling you that the password you choose must contain at leastone character from each group.

What is the industry standard for password rules?

The industry standard for password rules typically includes requirements such as having a minimum password length, using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and implementing password expiration policies. It may also involve employing multi-factor authentication for added security.

Password must contain at least one special charter?

Whenever they say special characters, they mean: @ # $ % ^ &amp; *, etc... You write those by holding the shift key while pressing any mumber at the top of your keyboard.

What is the minimum number of characters that a password must have?

depends on what password type you are creating. usually 4-6, but a computer password is usually 7. good luck :) be creative

What are some examples of an alphanumeric password?

All alphanumeric means is a mix of letters (alpha, as in alphabet) and numbers (numeric, as in numerals). An example would be 3443jsn22s.

What is a numeric or alphanumeric character sequence that you enter with a smart card to access a serve or other Active Directory resource?

It depends on the adminsitartor what complexity he has set the combination could be as follows Default password policy is in 2008: &Oslash; 24 passwords remembered &Oslash; 42 days max password age &Oslash; 1 day min password age &Oslash; 7 characters Minimum password length &Oslash; Password must meet complexity requirements (capital letter, small letter and one digit or non-alphabetic, also not more then 3 characters from the username) No one can tell you the password.The administrator needs to give you

What does Password must be between 6 and 30 characters long must contain letters in mixed case and must contain numbers mean?

It means that the password you create must be 6 to 30 characters long, include both uppercase and lowercase letters, and have at least one number. This ensures that your password is strong and secure against potential hackers.

The default domain policy specifies that a user password must be how long by default?

Seven Characters long.