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Q: On a Linux server what file tells you where your system log file is kept?
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Related questions

What is the oldest Linux file system?

The first file system Linux supported was the MINIX file system.

Which file that contains DNS server addresses in Linux?


What can be used on Linux to provide file and print services?

CUPS is the de-facto network print service for Linux and Mac. Certain windows versions can connect to it also (unless you have XP home or some other crippled version) Native Linux file transfers might occur over HTTP (Web server) FTP (FTP server) scp (ssh server) NFS (NFS 'network file system' server) SAMBA (Samba file and print service for Windows, also works as a client for win servers) Of the five, NFS is probably the preferred Linux file server (especially in a Linux/mac/Unix only environment), because you can mount the server directory on the client and it will appear as a local directory. For true compatibility with windows, there is one answer to both questions: SAMBA. Samba uses the same Small Message Block (SMB) protocol that is native to Windows clients. It is a Linux and Mac implementation of NetBios, NT File Server, NT Print Server, and Active Directory server and client all rolled into one.

Which Linux file generates two maps in NIS server?


How do you transfer a file to a Linux system over the Internet?

if the server has ssh, use scp. there are some good scp clients for windows, and mac has it built in.

Where can one learn about Linux file server?

One could find information online regarding Linux file servers at the HowToForge website. The site covers everything one would need to know about Linux file servers.

What file system does Red Hat Enterprise Linux use?

ext3 is the default file system for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

What are the pros and cons of the Linux file system?

The pros and cons of the Linux file system include the quote saying "On a UNIX system, everything is a file, if something is not a file, it is a process". You can consider this either a pro or a con.

Is the NTFS file system supported by Linux?

The NTFS file system is supported in Linux by both a kernel module and several userspace programs. It is not supported as a root file system and is not recommended for permanent file storage.

What is the Linux Virtual File System used for?

The Linux VFS (Virtual File System) may be thought of as a sort of interface between the Linux kernel and the mounted file systems. There can be many different file system types mounted simultaneously and VFS allows the Linux kernel to see and address them all in a similar way. This provides Linux with a great deal of flexibility. [JMH]

What is ext3 file system?

The Linux ext3 file system is the default system in many linux derivatives. It allows for journalling, which the ext2 system did not. It also allows in-situ upgrades without asking for a backup first.

What is a superblock Linux?

Super block is supposed to be the first sector of any file system that can be mounted on Linux operating system. It is supposed to contain information about the entire file system in that partition. It has magic number to specify which file system is used in that partition and other parameters to help read/write to that file system.