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I meant 2gb and 500gb also comes with windows 7 multi in 1 card reader and gigabit ethernet is this a good processer?

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Q: Need to get a new computer for your grandmother is 2gm memory and 500 gb hard drive good for internest use game use like solitare word documents and pictures?
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I can't find my pictures on my windows computer?

Normally Windows will use the My Pictures folder under My Documents. Try going to My Computer / "username"'s Documents / My Pictures.

Why computer not upload pictures from documents to website?

Well your computer might have a bug

Where is the best place to save pictures on your computer?

in a folder under My Documents

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Flash Drive or a USB cable connecting a camera, etc. to your computer

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A scanner is used to create digital copies of physical documents or images, which can then be stored, viewed, or manipulated electronically. It allows for easy sharing, editing, and organization of paper documents or pictures.

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You can store documents on a drive that you attach or put into your computer. It is a backup drive to store things such as pictures, documents, etc. so you don't lose them.

How do you put pictures in iTunes?

There should be a folder in your documents, on your computer where you can transport certain files to your itunes account.

Is a folder a container that holds documents?

A file folder can hold paper documents. A folder is also the same terminology used in computer lingo and means the same, as a "folder" to save electronic documents and pictures.

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A library file on a computer is the user's personal file. It could be a series of pictures downloaded to the computer, documents scanned into the computer, or a music file.

How can you recover pictures from a computer that were not in 'my pictures' file?

Picture are not necessarily saved to "my pictures" automatically. I'd save another picture and look carefully at where it's being saved to. Also, look in 'my documents' and 'downloads' section.

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because if you dont bad people will come for you

What is child directories?

It is a sub directory in a hierarchy of directories. For example, My Pictures is a child of My Documents: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures