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the external hardrive has to be connected or the music has to be on your computer

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Q: My music got trasnfered to a external hardrive from itunes now when i try and import it it and sync it says that the songs can't be found why and how to i stop this?
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Itunes will not import songs in Windows Media (.wma) format.

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on PC it is file>import to itunes on mac its preferences > import to itunes click on what you want

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export it from imovie, and you can import to imovie from file

How do you transfer music from windows media player version 11 to itunes?

There are two ways of doing i was stumped myself for a day or so. However this is how you do it . 1) click on file go down to library and click consolidate music files. i tunes will transfer the music. the second way is to go to file and click on import folder. i have a external hardrive. so i made sure that it was collapsed or which ever folder your music is in. all mine is in one place. so click on import the whole thing and that is it

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You can't import it to iTunes, but you can import it to Windows Media Player by clicking on the link on the right side of the screen. Then you make a CD, which is able to be imported to iTunes.

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Import music into iTunes. Sync iPad with iTunes.

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Finder >Your home folder > Music> iTunes > iTunes music. Depending how big this folder is, copy it onto a flash drive/external hard drive and paste it on to your new Mac, then go into iTunes and import the music folder. Should work. Good luck and congrats on the new Mac!

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