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Recycle it and buy a new computer, or purchase a keyboard and monitor for your tower.



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Q: My computer doesn't have a keyboard or monitor what should i do?
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When laying out a computer system the monitor should be placed where?

It should be layed out so that when you sit in front of the desk the monitor should be elivated so top of the monitor's screen should be just above your eyebrows so your eyes get maximum view of the screen and on the the desk the keyboard should be on the desk in front of you placed at the length of where your arm are slightly bent and the monitor about 5cms behind the keyboard.

Should the word including be set off by commas in a sentence?

Not usually. Ex: I will give you a computer including the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

I need to get rid of a computer monitor and keyboard. Where can I tgake it?

Depending on your location you should be able to take it to a landfill. You might want to call and check with them first.

Do you still need a mouse and keyboard with a touch screen computer monitor?

No but you should have them incase something goes wrong and it can help the creen to not wear out as fast to use them more.

How do you activate a computer monitor from your computer?

well if you mean to add a monitor it should be in ur monitor settings if not go to microsoft<<or whatever computer you have>> sight and look for information

Is it ok to just replace computer as its very slow but keep the key board and monitor would they be compatible with a new PC?

Sure. But you are right about compatibility issues. Your new computer should have more than 2 USB ports. If your current key board and monitor use a USB plug in, or can be adapted to USB, you should have no problems. Take your keyboard and monitor with you, or at least take the cords when you shop for your new computer to make sure everything will work together. One thing - most computers from the big box stores like Best Buy come packaged with keyboard and monitor. For the money, that might be the best way to go.

Your computer monitor says no signal?

Check the cable running from your monitor to your computer. It could be disconnected, loose, or be a bad cable. If you decide it is not the cable then it could either be a bad monitor or a bad graphics card.

Do you have to have wires connected to the computer or monitor for a wireless mouse and keyboard to work?

no, not ussally the only thing you should need to for a wirless external hardware such as a mouse is a Connection USB, but not all wireless external hardware have that.

I should purchase vdu monitor or lcd monitor desktop or laptop?

Considering what you need a computer to do should help determine whether to purchase a computer or laptop. Laptops are good for people who need a computer that can move with them.

What should you do if your monitor doesn't work?

take it to a computer engineer.

How should you clean your computer monitor?

A sweeper with soft brush for the plastic and computer wipes for the screen.

How long does it take to replace a computer monitor?

Replacing a computer monitor should take less than 10 minutes. First shut off the computer. Unscrew and unplug the (blue or white) video cable for the monitor from the back of the computer, and unplug the monitor power cable. Then remove the old monitor from the desk, replace with the new monitor, and plug it into the video and power plugs. Start your computer and once it has started, adjust the resolution and refresh rate to match the specifications for your monitor.