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Q: Most of the keyboards provided with desktop computers are?
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To save space on most laptops the computer keyboards have fewer keys than desktop computers have what is an example of a key that saves space?

Fn key

Is a keyboard an external peripheral?

Yes, in most situations it is. However, it depends on the computer. Older computers often had integrated keyboards, as do laptops and tablets. Most modern desktop PCs do have an external keyboard.

Do network computers have keyboards and monitors?

no. A computer system is just the tower. The computng part itself. Keyboards, mice, speakers and monitors are accessories.

Where could someone find a clock for their desktop computer?

One can purchase desktop clocks at their local stationary store such as Staples or Grand and Toy. They often have a variety of clocks that one can choose from and come in a variety of colours.

Which types of input devices are most common to almost all computers?

Keyboards and Mice

Are there Black Friday sales on desktop computers?

There are sales for desktop computers and most other electronics on Black Friday. However, the quantity is quite limited and the stores with the promotion will vary.

Classification of personal computer?

Most of the personal computers are usually microcomputers. They include the laptop computers, the desktop computers, the tablet computer, and the smartbooks.

What is the most widely used pointing device on desktop computers?

a computer mouse

How to use One PC with two keyboard?

I dont think its possible, most computers only have 1 slot for keyboards.

What kind of operating system do desktop computers use?

Windows, MacOS, and Linux are the most common.

Are computer keyboards universally compatible?

Yes most keyboards are universally compatible, although there are a few exceptions that might only work with certain brand computers or operating systems, but it would be stated on the packaging if that is the case.

What stores sell computer keyboards?

Most of the popular department stores will sell a computer keyboard. This includes Walmart, Target, Costco and others. Also computer stores such as Dell will have them.