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PART - A 10*3=30

1. Define Micro Processor.

2. What is an accumulator.

3. Why Data Bus id Bidirectional?

4. What is Microcomputer? Explain the difference between a microprocessor and microcomputer

5. List the applications of micro computer.

6. What are the advantages of microprocessor based system?

7. Explain the functions of IO/Min 8085.

8. What is Flag? List the flag of 8085. Show the bit positions of various flags in 8085 flag register?

9. Why Address Bus is unidirectional?

10. What are the Interrupts in 8085?

PART - B 5*6=30

11. What are Data Transfer Instructions, Write any Instruction.

12. Define the following Terms

Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter with example

13. Explain Instructions & Data Format.

14. Explain & Draw a Block Diagram of Computer with the microprocessor as CPU.

15. Explain the Logical Operations.

PART - C 4*10=40

16. Explain the Microprocessor Architecture and its operations

17. Explain the various pins of 8085 Microprocessor

18. List the Registers in the 8085 Microprocessor & explain the functions in detail

19. Write a Assembly language program to add two 8 bit numbers

20. Write a Assembly language program to add 16 bit numbers

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