Fireplace to oven, typewriter to computer, horse-drawn carriage to car, and ice-box refrigerator
Fireplace to oven, typewriter to computer, horse-drawn carriage to car, and ice-box refrigerator
Hub-and-spoke : more efficient distribution mobile telephone: improved communication airplane: faster transportation APEX
If observations don't match the theory, then either the theory or the experiment is wrong. Maybe a measuring device isn't sensitive or accurate enough. If the experiment is right, but results doesn't match theory, then it's time to come up with a new theoru that matches the experiment's results.
The results of a science experiment do not have to match the original hypothesis. Indeed, the results collected in an experiment may be completely different to those that the scientist predicted.
An incendiary device is something that will cause a fire. It can anything from a match to a bomb.
The phrase "match to the T" means something is precisely or exactly as it should be, with no room for improvement or error. It suggests a high level of accuracy or completeness.
social results
scientists will generally repeat the experiment until they they do match
a match
fix match results according to their needs...
Microwave - Stove Telephone - Telegram DVD Player - VCR