The meaning of 'electronics' is study and application of electrons. So its malayalam meaning would be ' electronukalae sambandhikkunna shaasthram '.
cricket meaning in Malayalam
The Malayalam meaning of "What about you" is "നിന്റെ സംബന്ധം എങ്ങനെ".
Trust me meaning in malayalam
The Malayalam meaning of the word "personality" is വ്യക്തിത്വം (vyaktitvam).
The Malayalam meaning of "decisive" is "തീരുമാനത്തിന്റെ."
The Malayalam meaning of spearmint is "pachcha thulasi".
what is the malayalam meaning of "DEBUT"
The Malayalam meaning of the word "quake" is "തലമുലയ്" (thalamulayu).
The Malayalam meaning of the word marble is sphadikam.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "chingi" is "sparrow."
The Malayalam meaning of the word "walnut" is "akroti" or "akrothu".