

Main elements of web browser

Updated: 10/3/2023
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12y ago

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Web Browsers are the software programs that provide an interface to explore the Web with the help of the following components.

  • Toolbar
  • Location Bar
  • Menu Bar
  • Access Indicator
  • Status Bar
  • Scroll Bar

The following figure displays the internet Explorer Web browser window.


A Toolbar contains a set of buttons or icons for the community performed tasks in an application.

The Toolbar buttons supported by Web browsers are as follows :

  • History : Allows the user to view the Web pages accessed in the past few days or weeks.
  • Back : Directs the user from the current Web page to the previous Web page.
  • Reload or Refresh : Reloads the current Web page.
  • Stop : Stops the loading of the current Web page in the Web browser window.
  • Home : Directs the user to the default home page.
  • Search : Allows the user to perform searched on the WWW.
  • Bookmarks or Favorites : Allows the user to save a list of URL addresses visited by the user. As a result , the user can simply click the website URL from this list to revisit the website.
  • Forward : Directs the user from the current Web page to the next Web page that has already been visited by the user.
  • Print : Allows the user to print the document that is currently loaded in your Web browser.

Location Bar

The Location Bar allows the user to specify the address of the website. The user can then press the Enter key to access a particular website. Alternatively, the user can click the Go button on the drop-down list box to access the website.

In addition, the Location Bar contains a list of websites accessed earlier by the user. To access these websites, you need to click the small triangle on the combo box. The Location Bar is also known as the Address Bar in the Internet Explorer.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is located on the top of the Toolbar and allows the user to select and customize a series of options in the Web browser window. For example, the user can save the current Web page or enable or disable the images on the Web page.

Access Indicator

The Access Indicator is an image to the right of the Web browser window. This image is animated when a Web page is being downloaded, otherwise it remains static.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Web browser window and specifies the status of the transactions on a Web page. For example, the Status Bar displays the information such as the address of the website, the size of the file and error messages.

Scroll Bar

A Scroll Bar enables you to scroll up and down on a Web page, if the Web page is too long to fit the Web browser window. Similarly, you can scroll right or left on a Web page if the Web page is wider to fit the Web browser window.

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12y ago
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11y ago
User interface of a web browser :Most major web browsers have these user interface elements in common:[20]

· Back and forward buttons to go back to the previous resource and forward respectively.

· A refresh or reload button to reload the current resource.

· A stop button to cancel loading the resource. In some browsers, the stop button is merged with the reload button.

· A home button to return to the user's home page.

· An address bar to input the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the desired resource and display it.

· A search bar to input terms into a search engine. In some browsers, the search bar is merged with the address bar.

· A status bar to display progress in loading the resource and also the URI of links when the cursor hovers over them, and page zooming capability.

Major browsers also possess incremental find features to search within a web page.

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12y ago

The main element of wed browser and web page

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8y ago

the components that i know is the basic ones :D ....

Address Bar

Status Bar

Title Bar

Standard Tool Bar

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11y ago

1. Kfc2. Kfc

3. Kfc

4. Kfc

5. Kfc

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9y ago

An internet browser is a very important part of a network. A browser should be able to fetch the data to the fullest.

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