Yes,mice have acid in their bodies called ampostrope and if they are fed by raw food they will spit it out!
feed the pet food
Rat food they sell it at walmart
. It will not harm the mouse unless you over feed the crickets. If it is a pet mouse then feed it only as much as 15 crickets a day. If it is a wild mouse then feed it only just 10 crickets a day. Because if you feed a wild mouse too much then it will depend on you and later die.
Thy love fruit and cooked egg.
At the infant mouse supply store. In your area, it may be referred to as a "Pet Store."
Pet mice should be fed natural seeds ect. Go to a pet shop and you can buy packs of rodent mix with appropriate feed. You can also feed your mouse treats like fresh fruits and vegies (greens, apples, carrot, lettuce, ect.) They also love sunflower seeds but they are fatty so don't feed it to them too much. My mice are big fans of whole grain bread broken in to small chunks. Watch for strange symptoms such as diarrhea, as it could be a certain food that the mouse is affected by. Don't feed your mouse junk food like chips, chocolate, candy as these can be toxic to them. Also I don't recommend cheese as it is only the smell of the dairy product that the mice like.
how do you feeds pet mouse
It depends on what you feed them. They can be anywhere from light brown, through to black.
Rats might abandon their babies if they can't take care of them or if they are too stressed. My rat had babies and it kept abandoning one of them. We tried to feed it, but then decided to take it to the pet store. They put it with a mother mouse and it started licking it. A few days later we visited the pet store again and they said it died. If your rat abandons its babies, feed them with soy milk.
You feed it a good diet. Get special mouse food from a pet store, and make sure it is drinking. If it is still skinny, then it is sick. Snakes don't care if the mouse is skinny!